
Zika Virus Impact Spreads


A new fight faces us: Zika.  From nearly unknown to daily headline news in less than a year – the 蚊子 borne Zika virus is grabbing our attention like no other since malaria.  And rightfully so because with increasing certainty, it’s effects are more than flu-like symptoms. It’s deforming newborns for life, and in some cases, death, due to microcephaly.

In Brazil, where the virus is prolifically spread by the 埃及伊蚊 蚊子, 150 cases of babies born with microcephaly were correlated to Mothers who had had Zika at conception or during pregnancy.  Fast forward to last quarter of 2015 and the number of new cases exceeded 3,500.

这个优秀的 播客 (NPR Jan 20, 2016 “The Zika Virus Moves North”) discusses the knowns and unknowns of the disease with epidemiologists from two leading universities.

The virus thus far is vectored primarily in the southern hemisphere.


Our hope in the states is that the virus does not ‘leap’ to the 埃及伊蚊 人口在这里, which are now found as far north as Massachusetts, down the Eastern coast to Florida, 德州, Arizona and California.

埃及伊蚊 US map


  • This places more importance than ever on surveillance and larval source reduction by public health officials.
  • 检查 疾病预防控制中心网站 for travel advisories before going to any warm climate country.
  • 更甚于以往, heed protection cautions: wear 蚊子 repellent, 长袖服装, avoid being outdoors during prime biting hours for 埃及伊蚊 – which is 2 hrs AFTER sunrise and  several hours BEFORE sunset.  This is different than most North American 蚊子 species.